“Abandoned Puppy Rescued From Cardboard Box Near Kentucky Shelter With Heartbreaking Message”

The Kentucky Humane Society is making every effort to save the life of a malnourished puppy that was abandoned in a cardboard box outside their shelter. An employee named Warren discovered the taped box with air holes on the sides and the words “Found Aid Me” written on it early in the morning of September 17th.

The team discovered that the pet dog they found was suffering from severe skin inflammation caused by infection. The poor pup had lost most of his fur, and his body was covered in sores, making him bloody and weak. He was so malnourished and weak from demodectic mange that he couldn’t even stand on his own. This was the heartbreaking situation that the sanctuary shared.

The sickly young dog was immediately seen by a veterinarian who began treating his infections and reducing his discomfort. This poor pup has been suffering for months to be in the state he remains in.

According to reports, the puppy in question is believed to be between six to eight months old, but his development has been stunted due to a lack of proper nutrition. He weighs only 15 pounds and has a long road to recovery. The shelter was unsure if he would make it through the weekend due to various infections and a weakened immune system, but the little guy is a fighter.

KHS asked for name suggestions for the pup, and after receiving many great options, they decided to name him Liam, an Irish name that means “guardian,” as reported by the sanctuary in an article informing their followers about the dog’s condition. On Tuesday, they shared that Liam had tested positive for parvovirus, a significant and potentially deadly infection.

He is currently undergoing emergency treatment around the clock, but his poor health has caused uncertainty about whether Liam will be able to pull through. Despite this, the sanctuary is not giving up and is asking for donations to assist with covering medical expenses as well as many petitions.

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