“Astonishing Discovery: Unearthing a Rare Ancient Tree in Tandooreh National Park”

In Tandooreh National Park, Iran, a remarkable discovery has been made – an ancient tree that is estimated to be more than 4,000 years old. This tree is considered the oldest in the country and stands tall in the mountainous region of the park. Many scientists and researchers are excited about this significant find as it sheds light on the unique climate and soil conditions that have contributed to the tree’s longevity. The discovery serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving natural habitats and the need to continue studying the natural world.

The inhabitants of this altitude are typically the kri-kri, also referred to as the Cretan wild goat, agathopontikas, fourokatos or the wild cat. Additionally, birds like the bearded vulture and the golden eagle can also be spotted in this region, albeit rarely.

The Chania region boasts of its unique herbs, particularly the renowned dittany or eronda. During springtime, the surroundings transform into a magical sight with the blooming wildflowers and the lively animals roaming around. Touring the natural beauty of Chania is an unforgettable experience that everyone should partake in.

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